Starting Date
This course has been approved by the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) as equivalent to Level 5 (4 ECTS).
License No: 2013-FHI-019; Further & Higher Education Institution
The aim of this course:
According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking and number two is death. This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you are better off in the casket than doing the eulogy according to comedian Jerry Seinfeld. This workshop focuses on effective public speaking, particularly dealing with the fear of speaking. It shows participants that public speaking is fun and easy. The course provides practice in both impromptu and prepared speeches and also addresses the important issue to ‘'wake 'em up!" during presentations! By the end of the course participants should be on their way to becoming successful public speakers. The only way to master public speaking is to do it! Practice makes perfect, and there is no better practice than to be in the spotlight, microphone in hand, expectant audience listening to your every word.
Assessment is based on two marked oral presentations (50% of total mark based on content and 50% of total mark based on speech delivery).
Upon successfully completing the course and with a minimum of 80% attendance, attendees will receive an NCFHE Accredited Certificate from Malta University Consulting Ltd.